Kindly prepare the manuscript for the inclusion in the springer proceeding as per the Springer Guidelines. Draft the manuscript as per attached template and guidelines which are as follows:
Kindly note if permission is not granted then those figures must be removed from
manuscript otherwise copyright issues will be generated later which results in
consequences to the authors and their affiliated organisations. If permission is
granted to adopt
then complete details of permission and their source must be written in the
caption/labelling of
figure along with their in-text citation.
Please familiarize yourself with the Nature
Guide to Copyright and
Permissions , which contains advice on including third-party content or
that you have
created yourself and published elsewhere in your manuscript. Your manuscript
will not move
into Production unless permissions are complete and submitted and properly
acknowledged in
the manuscript.
Apart from that we need to send a List of email addresses of the corresponding
authors to
SPRINGER for communication at their end.
If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate
to contact us
Best regards,
Organizing Committee